API Reference
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API Reference


Define the appearance of your SideDrawer instance for each "affiliate" or "brand" you have within the Tenant.

  "brandName": "My brand",
  "brandCode": "mybrand",
  "multiLanguage": true,
  "skipSponsorEditorAssignment": true,
  "exclusiveBrandRecordTypesOnly": true,
  "bypassSDCreation": true,
  "locale": "en-CA",
  "hideDefaultRecordTypes": true,
  "primaryLogoExpanded": {
    "large": "url",
    "medium": "url",
    "small": "url"
  "primaryLogoContracted": {
    "large": "url",
    "medium": "url",
    "small": "url"
  "secondaryLogo": {
    "large": "url",
    "medium": "url",
    "small": "url"
  "primaryIsoLogo": {
    "large": "url",
    "medium": "url",
    "small": "url"
  "secondaryIsoLogo": {
    "large": "url",
    "medium": "url",
    "small": "url"
  "topBanner": {
    "large": "url",
    "medium": "url",
    "small": "url"
  "emailHeaderBanner": {
    "large": "url",
    "medium": "url",
    "small": "url"
  "footerMessage": "string",
  "webAppRoot": "string",
  "styleSheet": {
    "fontFamily": "poppins",
    "appBackground": "#FFFFFF",
    "primaryColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "primaryAccentColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "primaryColorSemiTransparent": "#FFFFFF",
    "secondaryAccentColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "tertiaryAccentColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "backgroundShade": "#FFFFFF",
    "accentBackground": "#FFFFFF",
    "headerBackground": "#FFFFFF",
    "inactiveButton": "#FFFFFF",
    "alertsErrors": "#FFFFFF",
    "checkbox": "#FFFFFF",
    "progressBar": "#FFFFFF",
    "successBar": "#FFFFFF",
    "appCameraBackground": "#FFFFFF"
  "vCard": {
    "profilePhoto": "url",
    "primaryName": "name",
    "description1": "",
    "description2": "",
    "contactLinks": [
        "icon": "string",
        "label": "string",
        "link": "string",
        "orderId": 0
  "appSections": {
    "manageSubscriptions": true,
    "paymentDetails": true,
    "tellAFriend": true,
    "faqs": true,
    "helpAndSupport": true,
    "about": true
  "socialLogin": true,
  "socialIdps": [
  "idpRedirect": "string",
  "metadata": {},
  "skipURLCreation": false,
  "applyTemplateId": "string",
  "idpMfa": "sometimes"

Cobranding entity

brandName string required
Brand name.

brandCode string required
Branding code.

multiLanguage boolean required
True if the branding should be multi-language.

skipSponsorEditorAssignment boolean required
True if Subscription owners should not be able to "auto-add" themselves as an editor.

exclusiveBrandRecordTypesOnly boolean required
True if you want to restrict the Hangers for this branding. False if you want to add Custom Hangers from the Tenant's default branding code.

bypassSDCreation boolean
True if you want to bypass Drawer (sidedrawer) creation.

locale enum
Locale. Possible values: en-CA, fr-CA, en-US, es-US.

hideDefaultRecordTypes boolean
True if you don't need the default Hangers.

primaryLogoExpanded Logo entity required

primaryLogoContracted Logo entity required

secondaryLogo Logo entity required

primaryIsoLogo Logo entity required

secondaryIsoLogo Logo entity required

topBanner Logo entity required

emailHeaderBanner Logo entity required

footerMessage string required
Footer message.

webAppRoot string
Web app root.

styleSheet required entity

vCard entity required

appSections entity

socialLogin boolean
True to provide use of social login on Universal Login screen.

socialIdps array of strings
Social identity providers.

idpRedirect string
Identity provider redirect URL.

metadata Metadata entity
Key-value pairs.

skipURLCreation boolean
True to skip subdomain creation. Default: false.

applyTemplateId string
ID template to apply.

idpMfa enum
Minimum identity provider MFA. Possible values: sometimes, always, never.

Logo entity

large string
Large-size logo URL.

medium string
Medium-size logo URL.

small string
Small-size logo URL.

Style Sheet (styleSheet) entity

fontFamily enum
Font type. Possible values: poppins, roboto, montserrat, spectral, mulish, petrona, jost, crimsonpro, bitter, opensans, raleway.

appBackground string

primaryColor string

primaryAccentColor string

primaryColorSemiTransparent string

secondaryAccentColor string

tertiaryAccentColor string

backgroundShade string

accentBackground string

headerBackground string

inactiveButton string

alertsErrors string

checkbox string

progressBar string

successBar string

appCameraBackground string

vCard (vCard) entity

profilePhoto string

primaryName string

description1 string

description2 string

contactLinks array of Contact Links entities

App Sections (appSections) entity

manageSubscriptions boolean
True if you want a "manage subscriptions" menu entry.

paymentDetails boolean
True if you want a "payment details" menu entry.

tellAFriend boolean
True if you want a "tell a friend" menu entry.

faqs boolean
True if you want a "FAQs" menu entry.

helpAndSupport boolean
True if you want a "Help and Support" menu entry.

about boolean
True if you want a "About Us" menu entry.