API Reference
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API Reference

HTTP Methods and Response Codes

HTTP Methods or "Verbs"

Listed below are the four types of HTTP methods or verbs used in SideDrawer API calls.

GETRetrieve resource(s)
POSTCreate resource
PUTUpdate resource
DELETEDelete resource

Common HTTP Response Codes

Listed here are the various possible response codes returned to indicate the status of an API call.

In general:

  • a code in the 200s range indicates a successful call
  • a code in the 300s range indicates redirection
  • a code in the 400s range indicates an error with the call (lack of access, missing parameters, etc.)
  • a code in the 500s range indicates a server error

HTTP Status CodeResponse TypeDescription
200OKEverything worked as expected.
201CreatedA new resource was created.
202AcceptedThe data extraction process is ongoing in the background. At this point your flow must change to asynchronous using the webhook events.
204No ContentThere is no content to send for this request.
Note: Filters that result in empty data on extracted periods return an empty array with 200 response code.
302FoundURL of resource has been changed temporarily.
400Bad RequestThe request cannot be processed, often due to a missing parameter.
401UnauthorizedNo valid API keys or access token provided.
403ForbiddenNo access to content.
404Not FoundRequested resource does not exist.
409ConflictRequest conflicts with another request.
429Too Many RequestsToo many requests in a given amount of time. Exponential backoff of requests recommended.
500Internal Server ErrorServer has error and cannot process request.
502Bad GatewayInvalid response received from the server.
503Service UnavailableServer is not ready to handle the request. Please try again later.
504Gateway TimeoutThe request timed out from the server.