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Record Subtype Specific Fields

Specific fields in the Record Subtype that can be displayed in different languages depending on the locale.

    "fieldName": "myField",
    "displayValue": [
        "locale": "en-CA",
        "value": "My Field",
        "description": ""
    "validation": {
      "type": "isString",
      "formType": "string",
      "constraints": [
    "orderId": 0

Record Subtype Specific Field entity

fieldName string required
Record Subtype schema field type.

displayValue array of Display Value entities required
List of values to display, depending on the language.

validation entity required
Validation to perform over the field.

orderId number
Number of the position of this Record Subtype Specific Field when the specific fields are sorted in a list.

Display Value (displayValue) entity

locale enum required
Possible values: en-CA, fr-CA, en-US, es-US.

value string required
Value of display.

description string

Validation (validation) entity

type enum required
Validation type with the format of class validator .
Possible values: isString, isNumber, isEmail, isOptional, isInt, isDecimal, isURL, isDate, isCurrency, isArray.

formType string
Form type schema validation.

constraints array of strings required
Constraints that failed validation with error messages.