Use and authentication
All requests ("calls") to the SideDrawer API should be made over HTTPS via the URL https://{MODULE}/ resource endpoint
For example, the following endpoint for listing Collaborators has the URL:
. The resource endpoint is /api/v1/networks/network
Any API calls made over plain HTTP or without valid authentication will fail.
When you call any of our APIs from your end, you will need to ensure you replace the different resources with the corresponding values according to your needs.
For example, if you need to fetch information about a specific user, then you need to make an HTTP request with a method of GET
to https://{MODULE}/api/v1/users/accounts/account-id/{accountId}
where /api/v1/users/accounts/account-id/{accountId}
is the resource, which includes the path parameter {accountId}
that should be replaced by the identification of the account you need to fetch.
To put together an API request, combine the following:
- The HTTP method or "verb" (Go to "HTTP Methods and Response Codes" to learn more)
- The full URL to the resource
- HTTP headers
- The JSON-formatted payload (if required)
We provide the following for each API endpoint:
- A list of the request parameters with the corresponding definitions and their types:
- PATH: Parameters within the resource that point to a specific instance of that resource. They must be placed before the query string (?) and be within curly braces { }
- QUERY: Parameters (required or optional) that are placed right next to the resource, after a question mark (?), with the format of name=value separated by ampersands (&). Go to "Filtering" to learn more.
- A list of the body attributes with the corresponding definitions.
The authentication needed to perform any API call with SideDrawer APIs is integrated with OAuth2, generating an access token called JWT, which contains information in the form of claims.
Rate Limits
For most endpoints, rate limits are between 100 and 120 requests per minute.