API Reference
Log In
API Reference


A Tenant has an instance of SideDrawer for their organization or line of business.

  "name": "{tenantName}",
  "logoUrl": "{url}",
  "brandCode": "{brandCode}",
  "ownerOpenId": "auth0|owner123",
  "dataBaseRegion": "CA",
  "defaultIdentityProvider": "auth0",
  "subscriptionType": "sponsoredsds",
  "skipURLCreation": false

Tenant Account entity

name string required
Tenant name.

logoUrl string
URL of the Tenant logo.

brandCode string required
Branding code.

ownerOpenId string required
This value is used if the logged in user is Admin. Otherwise, the logged user will be considered as the owner.

dataBaseRegion string
Data storage region. Possible values: "US", "CA", "EU".

defaultIdentityProvider enum
Default identity provider. Default: Auth0. Possible values: auth0, keycloak.

subscriptionType enum
Defines the type of Subscriptions that can be purchased in the future. Possible values: sponsoredsds, sponsoredusers, brandcode.

skipURLCreation boolean
True if subdomain creation should be skipped. Default: false.