API Reference
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API Reference

Creating a Drawer (sideDrawer)


As a Tenant, you can add a new Drawers (sidedrawer) for your clients and within your Tenant and brand/affiliate. Follow the steps below to create a Drawer using the API.


You'll need:

  • an access token

1. Get locale

Get the locale.

GET /api/v1/configs/content/collections/locales/locale/{locale}

        "_id": "{id{",
        "localeid": "en-ca",
        "localename": "English (Canada)",
        "languagename": "English",
        "countryname": "Canada",
        "languagecode": "en",
        "countrycode": "CA",
        "languagedefault": true,
        "localedefault": true,
        "productionenabled": true,
        "published": true

2. Get dictionary

Get the applicable dictionary for the locale.

GET /api/v1/configs/content/dictionaries/{slug}/locale/{locale}

3. Get shared Tenants

Get the shared Tenants.

GET /api/v1/tenants/tenant/shared

    "defaultIdentityProvider": "auth0",
    "name": "",
    "region": "CA",
    "subscriptionType": "sponsoredusers",
    "adminOpenId": "auth0|string",
    "defaultCobrandId": "string",
    "defaultBrandCode": "string",
    "id": "{id}"

4. Get branding

Get the Tenant branding information.

GET /api/v1/tenants/tenant/tenant-id/{tenantId}/branding

    "brandCode": "string",
    "brandName": "Brand",
    "default": true,
    "hideDefaultRecordTypes": false,
    "multiLanguage": false,
    "exclusiveBrandRecordTypesOnly": false,
    "skipSponsorEditorAssignment": false,
    "active": true,
    "createdAt": "2024-07-23T13:45:18.429Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-07-23T13:45:26.228Z",
    "tenant": "Tenant",
    "id": "{id}",
    "webAppUrl": "{url}"

5. Get roles

Get the User's role.

GET /api/v1/tenants/tenant/tenant-id/{tenantId}/users/open-id/{openId}/roles

6. Get account

Get the User Account by branding or sponsorships.

GET /api/v2/tenants/tenant/tenant-id/{tenantId}/users?brandCode={brandCode}&filter={filter}&limit={limit}&region={region}

7. Get subscription

Get the available Subscription.

GET /api/v1/tenants/tenant/tenant-id/{tenantId}/subscriptions

8. Get Drawers

Get the Drawers (sidedrawer) by affiliate code (brandCode).

GET /api/v2/tenants/tenant/tenant-id/{tenantId}/sidedrawers?brandCode={brandCode}&isTemplate={isTemplate}&limit={limit}&region={region}

9. Get branding

Get the branding information by affiliate code (brandCode).

GET /api/v1/tenants/tenant/branding/brand-code/{brandCode}

10. Create Drawer

And finally, create your Drawer!

POST /api/v1/tenants/tenant/tenant-id/{tenantId}/subscriptions/subscription-id/{subscriptionId}/sidedrawer

To manage collaborators for your Drawer (sidedrawer), see the guide.